We Need Your Help to Designate Route 66 as a National Historic Trail

Illinois Route 66 Scenic Byway

This past summer on memorable road trips, millions of travelers navigated segments of historic Route 66 and the over 2,000-mile stretch between Chicago, Illinois and Santa Monica, California, with many planning stops along the way to experience unique, historic sites dotting the Route 66 corridor.

The stretch of Route 66 in Illinois boasts numerous and unique landmarks, including stops in Livingston, Illinois. Hungry travelers enjoy dining at the Twistee Treat Diner and experiencing the retro 1950s décor, followed by a visit to the Pink Elephant and other photo opportunities at a multi-vendor antique mall. These and other Illinois Route 66 sites share the multi-layered history of legacy businesses, cultural icons, military history, and the rise of the automobile and mobility that helps define the Mother Road.

With summer in the rear-view mirror and the holiday season approaching, we inch closer to the midpoint of the 118th Congress and the upcoming Route 66 Centennial celebration in 2026, where the spotlight will be on this iconic route and its contributions to American history. Legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives (H.R. 4338) to designate Route 66 as a National Historic Trail, a designation that would enhance the preservation and protection of historic Route 66.

We need your help in Illinois to build support for the House Route 66 bill and secure additional cosponsors for the legislation by the end of 2023. We invite you to join us in these efforts by sending a letter to your House Rep asking they cosponsor and support the Route 66 National Historic Trail Designation Act (H.R. 4338).

Follow this link to help: https://support.savingplaces.org/page/51887/action/1

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Illinois Route 66 Scenic Byway

