Project Wingspan 2024 Volunteer Training

Online , United States

The first 2024 Project Wingspan Illinois volunteer training and certification event for new volunteers (no need for those already certified with Project Wingspan to attend). Wednesday, March 20th, from 6:30 pm to 9 pm. Here is the zoom link: Meeting ID: 885 0730 5858 One tap mobile:  +16694449171,,88507305858# US Of course, if you know…

Pollinator Week Project Wingspan Volunteer Certification – Virtual Event

Virtual by Zoom

Pollinator Week is June 17-23! Project Wingspan Illinois has a call to action to help pollinators. You can make a big difference! Here’s the info: Volunteer to scout native wildflowers and collect native wildflower seeds at a local prairie with Project Wingspan. Illinois has over 30 native wildflower seed collection teams throughout the state. These teams collect from a list of…

Project Wingspan – First Seed Collection Events

Pollinator Partnership’s Project Wingspan 600 Montgomery Street, STE 440, San Francisco, CA, United States

For Project Wingspan volunteers, seed collecting is the Most Important Job. We also have other helpful activities you can help with at events. Please let me know if you would like to help with any of these tasks: Write info on seed bags Plant identification Fill out paper collection data sheets Take plant photos Enter data…